Steal like an artist. Everyone has heard this expression. But it's often misunderstood. Most think it means literally copying someone else's work. But it's actually about realizing that no idea is entirely original. Instead, every idea is a remix of a bunch of existing styles and techniques with some personal touch.
This is true for every form of art, but it's especially clear with visual arts like design. Every designer needs a collection of sources of inspiration that they can then remix to create something beautiful.
In this post, we have tried to address that for minimal branding. We’ve put together a list of brands so you can learn how they showcase their identity across multiple platforms and use them in your own remixing process.
You can go here for the rest of the blog.
Skincare & Personal Care
1 Skin1004
Key Fonts: Montserrat
Iconic products: Madagascar Centella Tone Brightening Capsule Ampoule , Madagascar Centella Soothing Cream
Brand category: Affordable
2 Aesop
Key Fonts: Zapf Humanist, Suisee
Iconic products: Resurrection Aromatique Hand Balm, Aesop Parsley Seed Facial Cleanser, Aesop Fabulous Face Oil
Brand category: Luxury
3 Diptyque
Key Fonts: Apercu pro, Diptyque saint Germain
Iconic products: Diptyque Baies Candle, Diptyque Philosykos Eau de Toilette
Brand category: Luxury
4 Tamburins
Key Fonts: Pretendard, Accia Piano
Iconic products: Hand Cream in "Citrus"
Brand category: Premium
5 Elate
Key Fonts: Ibm plex, Fs siena
Iconic products: Elate Universal Creme
Brand category: Affordable
Accessories & Essentials
7 Masters & Dynamics
Key Fonts: Blenderbook
Iconic products: MW65 Wireless Headphones, MH40 Over-Ear Headphones
Brand category: Premium
8 Lofree
Key Fonts: Roboto Condensed, Helvetica
Iconic products: Lofree Dot Wireless Keyboard
Brand category: Affordable
9 Azio
Key Fonts: DM Serif Text,Roboto
Iconic products: Azio Retro Classic Keyboard
Brand category: Affordable
10 Native union
Key Fonts: Museo-sans , Noto Sans
Iconic products: Native Union Dock Wireless Charger, Native Union Belt Cable
Brand category: Premium
Lifestyle & Products
11 Ugmonk
Key Fonts: MaisonNeueBook , PerfectlyNineties
Iconic products: Ugmonk Journal
Brand category: Premium
12 Qwstion
Key Fonts: Europa , Hurme Geometric
Iconic products: Qwstion Weekender Bag, Qwstion Backpack
Brand category: Premium
13 Swell
Key Fonts: Swell Book, Swell H Minors
Iconic products: S'well Stainless Steel Water Bottle
Brand category: Affordable
14 Memobottle
Key Fonts: Helvetica , Poppins
Iconic products: A6 Memobottle (flat water bottle)
Brand category: Premium